Name your device and restore with your backup optional. I bet you are feeling comfort now. This is easy way to enable multitasking on iPhone 3G. By applying these steps you will get many extra features.
We are always available to help you if you face any problem with this tutorial. Nice trick to get some more juice out of previous generation iPhone. Multitasking is very essential. You know what? I just love you! You are always so informative, and every one of your posts seems to address something that I have been thinking about in the days that have passed. The comments section is aimed to help our readers in case of any questions or you can even appreciate us for our hard work.
Every comment is strictly moderated before approving it. Your name and comment will be visible to the public. Never share your personal information in the comments section. Your email address will not be published. Save my details full name, email, and website url in browser and automatically add them when I visit next time. Geek Dashboard, a technology blog strives to produce high-quality tech for our readers.
Here you will find the latest updates on trending tech news, unbiased product reviews, and how-to guides on various gadgets. Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 3 months ago. Active 11 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. You asked how to detect whether your device supports multitasking.
The above code does exactly that. I understand but where it is going to be use in the application code — user See my comment above. The iPod does not support multitasking regardless whether you've installed iOS 4 or not. Facebook has had push since before iOS4 was even released, so yes. Push is independent of the multitasking process. Tambien te puede interesar Rumor Posiblemente el iPad de Apple tendra camaraNuevo teclado que cambia el modo de uso del iPhoneSaber rapidamente que version de Windows tienes o estas usandoComo evitar una sorpresa no deseada en TwitterBy Blogsdna […].
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