Romeo and Juliet are star-crossed lovers who want to love each other freely, but in the end, it concludes that they both die by committing suicide. Juliet is a Capulet, and Romeo is a Montague. The play Romeo and Juliet clearly illustrates these traits and the negative correlation that became of them. It can be said so far as love is addictive, seen in Romeo.
Romeo lost his first love, Rosaline, and then craved a new love. Therefore, his addiction to love led him to death. So while love may be nice, it has a dark side, and everyone must be aware of its…. Romeo passionately expresses not only his feeling of love to Rosaline but also he describes her beauty as incomparable to anyone.
This makes it stronger than hate, because nobody supports hate like they do love. There is a whole holiday dedicated to love, Valentines Day. In Romeo and Juliet the main characters support love wholeheartedly. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. Love is naturally dominant theme and the most important in this theater.
This narrative is focused on romantic love, especially strong spirit that grows in love at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In the theater Romeo and Juliet, love is one, love is joy, love is power too violent to replace all the values, loyalty, and emotional.
Love is the overriding theme of the play, but the reader must remember that Shakespeare was not interested in portraying a prettied-up, short dainty emotion, the kind that poets write about the bad, and the bad poem reads Romeo while pining for Rosaline. Juliet, saying she would do such terrible things to avoid marrying Paris and stay loyal to Romeo proves how intense her love is and how much separation is affecting her, to the point where she can not function without him.
At the very end of the play, Romeo impetuously kills himself saying he can not live without his love, Juliet, who he believes is dead. In her soliloquy, Juliet reveals how much she truly loves Romeo. Shakespeare shows the audience through his use of literary devices, such as the use of alliteration that is repeated throughout i.
Again the sentence structure plays a vital role as. Not only this but the language used by Shakespeare plays a vital role in portraying her…. In this instance, love is personified as a person who seems gentle and harmless.
The element of personification in this example is used to emphasize the point that the emotional experience of love which serves as a strong contrast to merely encountering an abstract or theoretical concept of love. This particular quote is spoken by Romeo while he is expressing the fact that falling in love is not a conscious choice. On the contrary, love is an emotion that takes a person by surprise, and once an individual is under its spell, he or she cannot disengage themselves from it.
In order to make his premise clear, Romeo personifies love as an impartial living agent who despite being blind, is capable of persuasively lure a person in his trap. Lord Capulet uses the above statement to convey the degree to which he cherishes his daughter Juliet and to emphasize how precious she is. While addressing Paris, Lord Capulet personifies earth as a living entity that has swallowed all of his children except Juliet. Juliet is the only child who was able to escape the claws of death.
In these particular lines, the month of April is personified as a well-appareled individual that lightly steps on the heels of winter to replace it and bid the frosty season goodbye. This personification of April as a person is meant to emphasize the joy that young men feel when encountering beautiful young girls. The climatic change from winter to spring highlights the onset of new love and the joy, enthusiasm and the elated sense of anticipation that accompanies with its arrival.
In this particular quote, the chorus personifies desire as an old confused individual lying on his deathbed and experiencing the last phase of his life. This ending serves as a prelude to new beginnings for Romeo. In this statement made by the chorus, affection is personified as a living being and a young heir to the old desire.