How do tombolas work

You could also offer a small consolation prize such as sweets or chocolates to unlucky punters. The price charged for tickets again depends on your event and the prizes. A common trick is to offer anyone buying more than one ticket a better deal such as buy 4 tickets get 1 free.

Some organisations have specially made little wooden boxes like the one in the picture at the top of this page which spin at the turn of a handle before people open a little door and pick out a ticket.

The tickets can however be drawn from a hat, bucket or something similar. You might be able to choose something that fitted the theme of your event. Example - Pull the tickets from a witch's cauldron at the Halloween Fundraiser. Another common idea is to roll the raffle tickets and insert them into the end of a plastic drinking straw, just far enough so the end of the ticket is poking out.

The straws are then stood up in a sand box and people pick a straw. This is a great variation on the basic theme.

It makes a great fundraising idea for kids and is perfect for school fairs and village fetes. Fill jam jars with sweets, biscuits or small toys. You can organize the prizes won for each draw however you like. The raffle tickets best for a Tombola are double roll tickets.

When someone purchases a Tombola ticket, you then tear off one side to put in the drawing, and the other goes to the ticket buyer. Tombola pro tip: One way to increase the funds raised is to offer discounted ticket bundles. For example, someone who wishes to buy a ticket also has the option to buy 5 and get one free.

Products Blog What is a Tombola Raffle? A tombola game is an excellent, tried and tested way to raise funds for your organisation. Although simple and fun enough to operate, here are some important points to consider which will help you make your tombola run more successfully and profitably. Sounds simple, doesn't it — get together your own tombola prizes, perhaps from donations, buy some cloakroom tickets and make a winning numbers display, and off you go.

A big problem with that can often be that you end up with an uncoordinated display of prizes of very variable quality which, unfortunately, people might not be so keen on winning! You won't lose money doing that, but you quite possibly won't make so much either!

Well presented, high quality prizes will normally be much more likely to be in demand, so a wise alternative is often to buy a ready made tombola game from an experienced and reliable supplier. A coordinated set of attractive prizes with a professional poster and tickets is very likely to get people spending a lot more money.


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