World Wide Shipping Fast delivery 30 days cancellation policy. Log in. Shop Gift card. Questions and Answers Tips og Tricks Product information. Fake it if you have to, once you learn how to wear it both the swim cap and the confidence all will follow with natural ease. And as you must have guest it, at Dr Locs we love all well most dances of nature.
Natural Clarifying Shampoo or Pre Cleanse. Try to visualize your locs after 5 days of deep chlorine exposure, right. Essential Oils. Rinse before You Dip. A simple little trick to prevent your locs from over indulging in chlorine is to wet your hair with pure water before you take the plunge. This trick will by no means save your life, or your locs, but can help reduce the damage chlorine may have on your locs. Later on you'll need to keep a close eye on them and make sure they dry.
More squeezing and wringing them out in a towel is often required especially for all but the thinnest dreadlocks. The biggest issue for new dreads is that they are pretty delicate. The more you swim and let them float around the more loose hair and loosening you'll get. You'll probably want to avoid getting them wet a lot for the first month. By the second month they won't be nearly as delicate and you'll be able to create knots using clockwise rubbing which will help knot straight hair at the roots that you'll find after swimming.
The last thing you want is mildew or mold in your locs yes, that can happen. Having a herbal rinse or ready-made essential oil mixture with antibacterial oils will help prevent your locs from having a stench.
This is especially important if you plan to let your locs air dry after you shampoo your locs. Swim Cap. Nourishing Oil. With all of the constant swimming and shampooing, you definitely want to have oils that help to condition and retain the moisture in your locs.
Having oils that are light-weight, water soluble, and that easily penetrate the hair shaft are best. Out of the 5 must have items to pack on vacation for locs, I only brought three with me and my hair paid the price for it. To save space in your suitcase, opt for the travel size versions of the shampoos and oils or buy a few clear bottles and take only what you need with you.